
Unit - X Types of Libraries.

 1. Writing materials : a) Clay tablets  -  Babylonia/ Algeria. b) Palm leaves  -  India. c) Paper  -  China. d) Papyrus  -  Egypt. 2. Opaque paper : Ans : Non Transparent paper. 3. Which of the following for true in reference to National library : Ans : a) The focal points of the nation in each country. b) Receiving a copy of every book published in the country. c) Located in the capital of the country. 4. Regional seminar on the development of National library in Asia and Pacific area held at :  Ans : 1964 Manila. 5. A library which is considered as the National library of United States is : Ans : a)Library of Congress. b) Located at Washington, DC. 6. Which of the biggest library in the world : Ans : Library of Congress, 1800. 7. "Kolkata public library "was established in Ans : 1836. 8. "Imperial library" was formally opened to the public at Metcalf Hall  all Kolkata in : Ans : 30 January 1903. 9. Who was the first librarian of ...

Research Aptitude Objective Questions.

1. Research Types : a) Fundamental research  - Developing an effective explanation through theory building. b) Applied research  - Exploring the possibility of a theory for use in various situations. c) Action research  - Improving existing situation through use of interventions. d) Evaluative Research  - finding out the extent of  perceived impact of an intervention. 2. Which of the steps of activities best indicate the cyclic nature of action research strategy. Ans : Plan - Act - Observe - Reflect. 3. Which of the following sequences of research steps is nearer to scientific method. Ans : Perceiving the problem situation - Locating the actual problem and its definition - Hypothesizing - Deducing Deccan cosequences of the suggested solution and testing the hypothesis in action. 4. The problem of 'research ethics' is concerned with which aspect of research activities. Ans : Evidence-based research reporting. 5. Which of the following activities potential nurturi...

Research Aptitude Way to JRF.

1. Which of the following are the characteristic of a seminar : Ans : a) It is a form of academic institution. b) It involves questioning, discussion and debates. c) It needs involvement of skilled persons. 2.  A Researcher is interested in studying,the prospect of for aparticular political party in an urban area  what tool should he prefer for the study : Ans : Questionnaire. 3. Ethical norms in research do not involve guidelines for : Ans : Thesis. 4. Which of the following statements regarding the meaning of research are : Ans : a) Research refers to a series of systematic activity or activities undertaken to find out the solution of a problem. b) It is a systematic logical and an  un biased process where in verification of hypothesis data analysis, interpretation and formation of principles can be done. c) It is an intellectual inquiring or quest towards truth. d) It leads to enhancement of knowledge. 5. A good Thesis writing should involve. Ans : a) Reduction of punc...

Teaching Aptitude Objective Questions.

1. Which of the following are considered as  "key behaviour of effective teaching as evident from researches" Ans : a) Lesson clarity implying the extent to which teacher's presentation is clear to the class. b) Instructional variety involving teachers variability and flexibility during presentation. c) Students success rate implying the rate at which students to understand and correctly. 2. Characteristic features of formative and summative assessment procedures used in various teaching learning context : Ans : a) It is used for improvement of capacity and quality. b) It is used during instruction. c) It is deshadan participation of both teacher and student. 3. a)Personality and attitude related competencies -  Self efficiency and locus of control. b) Behavioural competencies -  Teaching and managing. c) Substantive competencies -  Subject and general knowledge. d) Style related competencies -  Dynamism and flexibility. 4. In which of the modalities of teaching...

Library and information source Part II

1. Which of the following bibliographies for published by R. R. Bowker : Ans : Forthcoming books, Publisher's weekly. 2. Which of the followings are bibliographies Ans : Indian national bibliography, British National bibliography. 3. "Indian government publications" are published by : Ans : a) Ministry of information and broadcasting. b) Ministry of urban affairs and employment 4. National union catalogue published from : Ans : USA. 5. a) Systematic bibliography -  listing of items with minimum details. b) Analytical or critical bibliography  -  Investigation of physical nature of books. c) Historical bibliography -  Concerned with art of writing, printing and binding. d) Documentary bibliography  -  List of macro/ micro ideas of articles. 6. a) Books in print -  Trade bibliography. b) Social science : A Bibliography of doctoral dissertations  -  National bibliography. c) Asian social science bibliography  -  Subject bibliography. d...

Library & Information source Part - I

1. Which of the following information sources are categorised by type : Ans : a) Documentary sources. b) Non Documentary sources. 2. Which of the following sources of information are Documentary sources : Ans : Books, Periodicals, Manuscripts, Patents, Standards, CD - ROM Recordings. 3. Technological Gatekeeper is a : Ans : a) Non Documentary source of information. b) Well informed person in a particular field. c) An a informal mechanism of keeping user informed of  relevant development. 4. Invisible College is a: Ans : a) Non Documentary source of information. b) Group of person interested in natural philosophy. c) Derek Solla price. 5. Which of the following documents are classified based on their physical properties by Dr.S. R. Ranganathan : Ans : 1) Conventional  2) Non Conventional, 3) Neo Conventional, 4) Meta Documents. 6. Conventional Documents: Ans : Books, Periodicals, Maps, Atlas. 7. Non Conventional Documents : Ans : Audios, Videos, Audio visuals, Microforms. 8. Ne...

Teaching Aptitude Objective questions.

  1. For effective teaching which of the following is a key behaviour : Ans : making ideas clear to learners who may be at different level of understanding. 2. Which of the following strategies of teaching are learner - centred : Ans : a) Cybernetics. b) Practical tasks based project. 3. Identify the characteristics and basic requirements of "Reflective level of teaching" in the following list of statements : Ans : a) Issues or raised and discuss it with a view to sift the potential rational solution of problems. b) Academic sessions are conducted in a dialogic more to explore and explain the basis of arguments. 4. The goal of teaching as compared to training is to provide opportunity of :  Ans : Sharing and caring leading to critical and creative reflection. 5. Which of the following Teacher competency belongs to the domain of personality and attitude : Ans : Locus of control and self efficacy. 6. Identify the teaching strategies which are employed during indirect instructio...