Research Aptitude Objective Questions.

1. Research Types :

a) Fundamental research  - Developing an effective explanation through theory building.

b) Applied research  - Exploring the possibility of a theory for use in various situations.

c) Action research  - Improving existing situation through use of interventions.

d) Evaluative Research  - finding out the extent of  perceived impact of an intervention.

2. Which of the steps of activities best indicate the cyclic nature of action research strategy.

Ans : Plan - Act - Observe - Reflect.

3. Which of the following sequences of research steps is nearer to scientific method.

Ans : Perceiving the problem situation - Locating the actual problem and its definition - Hypothesizing - Deducing Deccan cosequences of the suggested solution and testing the hypothesis in action.

4. The problem of 'research ethics' is concerned with which aspect of research activities.

Ans : Evidence-based research reporting.

5. Which of the following activities potential nurturing  creative and critical thinking is relatively greater.

Ans : Participation in research conference.

6. Identify the correct order of the following components which are interrelated in research.

Ans : Observation - Developing concepts - Hypothesis making -  Deducing the consequence of theories - Methods employed to obtain them.

7. In the list given below identify those statements which correctly describe the meaning and characteristics of research.

Ans : a) Deductive and inductive method get integrated in a research process.

b) Research is the use of scientific method to provide answers to meaningful questions.

c) The answers provided by research can be empirically verified.

8. Research methods :

a) Ex - post - facto method  -  Causal comparison and correlational studies.

b) Case study method  - In- depth study of a unit specified for the purpose.

c) Philosophical method  -  Interpretation of thoughts of a great thinker.

d) Descriptive survey method  - Finding out the status based on study of large sample.

9. Research uses parametric test in lieu of non - parametric test for analysis and interpretation of results.

Ans : Technical lapse in handing data.

10. Which of the following provides more latitude to the researcher for creative expression.

Ans : Presentation of a conference paper.

11. Which of the following research types focuses on ameliorating the prevailing situations.

Ans : Action Research.

12. A researcher attempts to evaluate the effect of method of feeding on anxiety proneness. children which method of research would be appropriate for this :

Ans : EX - post - facto method.

13. Which of the following is susceptible to the issue of research ethics.

Ans : Reporting of research findings.

14. In which of the following arrangements a wider spectrum of ideas and issues may be made possible.

Ans : Conference.

15. In finalizing the thesis writing format which of the following would form part of supplementary pages.

Ans : Bibliography and Appendices.

16. Which sequence of research steps is logical in the list given below :

Ans : Problem formulation - Hypothesis making - Development of research design - Collection of data - Data analysis and formulation of generalisation and conclusions.

17. Research methods :

a) Experimental method -  Standardized tests.

b) Ex - post - facto method  - Typical characteristic tests.

c) Descriptive survey method -Questionnaire.

d) Historical method  -  Using primary and secondary source.

18. The issue of "research ethics" may be considered pertinent at which stage of research :

Ans : At the stage of data collection and interpretation.

19. In which of the following reporting format is formally prescribed.

Ans : Doctoral level thesis.

20. PhD thesis correct sequence :

a) Introduction -  Survey of related studies - Design of study - Data presentation ; analysis and interpretation  - Formulation of generalisation and conclusions -  Suggestions for further research - Reference and appendix.

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