Research Aptitude Way to JRF.

1. Which of the following are the characteristic of a seminar :

Ans : a) It is a form of academic institution.

b) It involves questioning, discussion and debates.

c) It needs involvement of skilled persons.

2.  A Researcher is interested in studying,the prospect of for aparticular political party in an urban area  what tool should he prefer for the study :

Ans : Questionnaire.

3. Ethical norms in research do not involve guidelines for :

Ans : Thesis.

4. Which of the following statements regarding the meaning of research are :

Ans : a) Research refers to a series of systematic activity or activities undertaken to find out the solution of a problem.

b) It is a systematic logical and an  un biased process where in verification of hypothesis data analysis, interpretation and formation of principles can be done.

c) It is an intellectual inquiring or quest towards truth.

d) It leads to enhancement of knowledge.

5. A good Thesis writing should involve.

Ans : a) Reduction of punction and grammatical errors to a minimum.

b) Careful checking of references.

c) Consistency in the thesis in written.

d) A Clear and well written abstract.

6. Jean Piaget gave a theory of cognitive development of on the basis of this :

Ans : Fundamental research.

7. Male and female students perform equally well in a numerical aptitude test :

Ans : Null hypothesis.

8. The findings of which type of research cannot be generalized to other situation :

Ans : Historical Research.

9. Which of the following steps are required to design a questionnaire :

Ans : a) Writing primary and secondary aims of study.

b) Review of the current literature.

c) Prepare draft of questionnaire.

d) Revision of the draft.

10. The core elements of dissertation are :

Ans : Introduction - Literature review - Research methodology - Results - Discussion and conclusion.

11. What is research design :

Ans : A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data.

12. Sampling cases means :

Ans : Sampling of people, newspapers, television program. etc.

13. The frequency distribution of research data which is symmetrical in shape similar to a normal distribution but centre peak is much higher :

Ans : Leptokurtic.

14. When planning to do asocial research it is better to :

Ans : Be familiar with literature on the topic.

15. when academicians are called to deliver lecture presentations to an audience on certain topics on a set of topics of educational nature it is called :

Ans : Seminar.

16. In thesis figures and tables are include in.

Ans : The text itself.

17. Thesis statement is :

Ans : An assertion.

18. The research approach of Max Weber to understand how people create  meanings  in natural settings is identified as :

Ans : Interpretative paradigm.

19. The Rsearch stream of "Immediate application" is :

Ans : Action research.

20. The population information is called parameter while the corresponding sample information is known as :

Ans : Statistics.

21. The sequential operations in scientific research are :

Ans : Co - variation ; elimination of superiors relations ; Generalisation ; Theorisation.

22. In sampling the lottery method is used for :

Ans : Randomisation.

23. Which is the main objective of research :

Ans : To discover new facts or to make fresh interpretation of know facts :

24. Sampling error decreases with the :

Ans : Increase in sample size.

25. Which one of the following is experiment method :

Ans : a) Single group experiment.

b) Parallel group experiment.

c) Rational group experiment.

26. Which of the following a Non - parametric test :

Ans : Sign test, Chi - Square test, Run test.

27. Parametric tests :

Ans : t - test, z - test, Paired t test.

28. Identify the sequence of research steps :

Ans : Selection of topic - Review of literature - Data collection - Interpretation of findings.

29. Deconstruction is a popular method of research in :

Ans : Literature.

30. Which one of the following techniques community is associated :

Ans : Factor analysis.

31. The variable which impacts the relationship between an independent variable is known as :

Ans : Control variable.

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