- Information is a process data.
- Gregory Boston defined information as "a difference that makes a difference"
- The logic of information, also known as the logical theory of information development by " Charles Sanders Perce"
- the word"Informatik" is Germany word and coined by Karl steinbuch in 1957.
- Informatique - French- 1962 - P.Dreyfus.
- informatika - Russian- 1966.
- futurologists - specialists and forecasting.
- phenomenon - fact or occurrence.
- "Information science" is an interdisciplinary science primary concerned with the analysis,collection classification,manipulation, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information.
- "fundamental equation of information science" or sometimes called "knowledge structure" K [S]+∆]=K [S+∆S] hand developed by brookers.
- The concept of 'informatics'developed by Alexander Ivanovich Mikhailov in 1960.
- "Paul Otlet' and Henri La Fontaine aur known the " father of information science"
- Claude Elwood Shannon is known as the "father of information of theory"
- "Information of architect" is attributed to Richard saul wurman.
- 'Information retrieval' (IR) is the area of study concerned with searching for documents, for information within documents, and for metadata about documents, as well as that of searching relational databases and the world wide web.
- "Information retrieval" coined by Calvin mooers in 1950.
- The formula for precision is:
precision= [{ relevant documents} {retrieved documents}] /[ retrieved documents]
Recall = [{ relevant documents} { retrieved documents}] / [relevant documents]
- The term "cybernetics"was defended by Norbert wiener.
- "Cyberspace" - William Gibson.
- 'Information society ' is a society in which the creation, distribution, diffusion, uses, integration and manipulation of information.
- The concept of the " information society" was developed by "Fritz Machlup" in 1933.
- The concept of the "knowledge industry" was introduced by "Fritz machlup" in 1962.
- The term of "Network society" was coined by "Jan van Dijk" in 1991.
- Communication has been derived from the Latin word " communis" meaning.
- Communication models :
- classical communication models.
- Aristotle's definition of rhetoric.
- Aristotle's models of proof.
- Bitzer's Rhetorical situation.
- Linear models :
- The Shannon weaver mathematical model 1949.
- Berlo's S-M-C-R 1960.
- Schramm's interactive model 1954.
- Non linear models:
- Dance helical spiral 1967.
- Westley and maclean's conceptual model 1957.
- Mosaic model 1968.
- multidimensional models:
- Ruesch and Bateson, functional model 1951.
- Barnlunds traditional model 1970.
- Harold lasswell considered of analysing the mass media in five stag " Who?" say " what ?"in which channel?" to whom" with what effect in 1948.
- A systematic model of communication invited by "Watzlawick"in 1972.
- Brown introduce Holographic model in 1987.
- The first major model for communication came in 1949 by claude Shannon and Warren weaver for Bell laboratories their initial model consisted of the three primary parts sender, channel, and receiver.
- Intellectual property rights covered main 8 mechanisms:
- 1)patent 2) copyright 3) trademark 4) Industrial designs 5) layout design of integrated circuits 6) Geographical indications 7) Registration of plant varieties.
- WTO standards on World Trade organisation.
- Trade related aspect on intellectual property rights abbreviated as "TRIPS"
- TRIPS agreement comes into force from 1st January 1995.
- The patent act in India enacted in 1970 as amended by the patent act 1999 , The patent amendment act 2002 and further by the patent ordinance in 2004 and 2005.
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